Hi! I’m a creative technologist and writer from NYC. This is my resume
, and
Reach out: trevorsgrove@gmail.com



A massive, immersive exhibit about ocean plastic at the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.

By far the biggest thing I’ve ever worked on, in terms of physical scale, budget, and people. 5 rooms, hundreds of servers, screens, projectors, sensors, and more, all talking to one another to make a very, very involved multimedia experience.

Radical Media hired me as a Creative Technologist to assist on a wide sampling of production duties, especially the show control system, server provisioning, and LAN. 

Check out the case study here and go see it if you’re in Chicago!

Client: Ogilvy / MSI
For: Radical Media
Role: Creative Technologist


A digital-physical arcade game installation at GitHub Universe, 2023

I’ve read somewhere that a good bespoke arcade game is exactly the social lubricant every tech conference needs, but so few actually receive.

While I’ve never actually read that, I did conceive, pitch, and Creative Direct ‘Ship it!’, an original video game in which players cooperatively build whimsical inventions in a sci-fi laboratory. Inspired by Overcooked, Rick and Morty, and Git,  the game was cheeky, button-mashy, and chaotic in a good way.

I managed illustrators & animators, designed the tactile interfaces, game mechanics, and sounds, and worked with the indomitable Evan Gannon (developer) and Syd Lea (producer) to make this nerdy lil fever dream real! 

I also cut a little case study below if you’re curious (borrowing some B-roll from a GitHub promo, thank you!)

Client: Tinsel Design / GitHub
For: Puppy Love
Role: Creative Director


An immersive body scanning experience for Marvel + Doordash at New York Comic Con, 2022.

In fall of 2022, Marvel and Doordash debut “The Dashers”, a comicbook series in which a team of DoorDash delivery people moonlight as evil-fighting superheroes.

THAexp built out a series of experiences to immerse Comic Con goers in the story, and I created a body scanning experience using TouchDesigner, Kinect, LED screens, and haptics to scan users for superpowers.

Over 1,000 attendees experienced the installation, with an estimated social reach of over 100,000. 

Client: DoorDash x Marvel
For: Puppy Love
Roles: Creative Director, TouchDesigner, A/V, VFX


An interactive musical installation for Made in America Festival, 2019.

Using  inflatables, LEDs, and a custom interface, users remixed an original song composed 16 color-assigned samples. Each sample activated lights and modulated airflow to the 10’ inflatable of the same color, creating a multi-sensory musical experience.

Client: Rocnation
For: Midnight Commercial
Roles: Creative Director, Producer, Creative Technologist, Music



A glitch-themed halloween party celebrating the re-launch of Midnight Commercial.

We produced the party in partnership with Noisey and Vice, and installed two interactive a/v installations with digital takeaways.

Interactive Stage Projections

Roles: Creative Director, Creative Technologist, Producer
For: Midnight Commercial
Partners: Vice, The Bosco, Noisey, Villain
Atists: Torin Blankensmith, Alex Miller


An immersive experience inside a 22’ tall buildout of Spongebob’s pinapple at San Diego + New York Comicon, 2018.

We lined the inside of the pineapple with screens and developed a motion-tracking Unity game in which users interacted with Spongebob characters inside a virtual Crabby Shack™.

Client: Nickelodeon
For: The Bosco
Role: Creative Technologist


An motion-tracking projection experience at a fashion show in Venice, CA.

Users were surrounded by interactive projections that they controlled with their body, and received a digital video takeaway.

Client: Tommy Hilfiger
For: The Bosco
Role: Creative Technologist

© Trevor Grove 2024