Hi! I’m a creative technologist and writer from NYC. This is my resume
, and
Reach out: trevorsgrove@gmail.com



A New Yorker's guide to Climate Action.
 GreeNYC is a program for the Mayor’s Office of Climate & Environmental Justice that educates New Yorkers on what the city is doing about climate change, engages them on social media, and mobilizes them to take action in their communities.

Along with Once-Future Office, I performed research, crafted strategy, and wrote copy for GreeNYC's website and multichannel campaigns.


A web ad I wrote for Fur : a mildly fragrant, moisturizing oil made for pubic hair.


An educational email drip series for Seed on the history of human poop.

I wrote copy for the email series, a handful of social posts, and workshopped about 8,000 family-friendly poop puns. Shorty Awards finalist.


Brand identity, tone of voice, web copy, and strategy for The Lawn Club, NYC.

© Trevor Grove 2024